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Phone: 267-317-8880
 To start your free donation into the fight against cancer please review the link below.
 And YES when you contribute this way it will not cost you any money out of your pocket
Cancer Survivor
Dear Supporter,

During these challenging economic times, we are all looking for ways to support our favorite causes while still being conscious of family budgets.

Mason McCray has recently partnered with Stream Energy to assist our supporters in helping us by simply doing something they already do: pay their energy bill.

Stream Energy’s unique Power Up! Program helps raise funds by paying us monthly commissions when our supporters enroll for their electricity or natural gas service through

The Power Up! Program is an excellent fundraising campaign for us because everybody uses energy already, and the commissions we receive are paid monthly for the duration of your relationship with Stream Energy. There’s no extra out-of-pocket cost for you, and we benefit on an ongoing basis every month.

Please go to to learn more about Stream Energy, and see how you can help us raise funds while possibly lowering your energy bill. It’s a win-win for all!

To start your free donation into the fight against cancer please review the link below.